Daily Strengthening/Mechanical Drills

  • Wrist Snaps- use a weighted ball or hammer nails into the laces of a ball and do 30 wrist snaps daily. 
  • Wall Drill- face a wall and place your right palm open against the wall. Practice keeping your arm circle straight by keeping your right palm against the wall all the way around. This drill will prevent you from allowing your arm circle to stray off the power line. 
  • Light Weight Lifting- use a five pound weight and do three sets of 15 wrist curls a day/both arms.This is a great way for your pitcher to increase strength in her wrist and forearm, thus generating a stronger wrist snap. 
  • Weighted bag drill- put three to four balls in a doubled plastic bag and wrap around wrist. Do arm circles as fast you can for 30 seconds. Do three reps of 30 seconds. This will help increase arm speed and velocity.
  • Cardio workouts - I cannot stress enough the importance of endurance in pitching. I often see many pitchers who excel in the first three to four innings of a game, but are not able to finish the full seven due to their lack of endurance. I strongly recommend at least 2-3 cardio workouts a week for a pitcher. Whether it is running, an elliptical, biking, etc. pitchers of all ages needs to be doing some form of cardio every week to build their endurance on the mound.


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